Hiring people is a challenge for any company, and this goes doubly so for companies who find themselves operating in an unfamiliar culture half a globe away. Unfortunately, hiring local Japanese staff is often critical in ensuring effective operations in the still relatively closed-off nation. Even when it comes to hiring non-Japanese workers, it is necessary to give them a place to work in the proximity of the market, to ensure that they can put their skills to good use.
With the Employer of Record service, we can take this load entirely off your shoulders. We will hire workers, both Japanese and non, into our organization, and have them work exclusively on your projects. This includes handling the employees’ payroll, as well as any other logistical matters. While these workers will officially work for us, they would in practice be a part of your organization. You can thus easily recruit talented workers into your organization and deploy them where they are most effective, without stressing about the logistics.
This service is part of our premium “In Market Support” package, which provides not only guidance, but integrates your firm into our operations. This gives you a reliable presence in Japan, and access to our full range of expertise.