We work very flexible with our clients, but we prefer working in a true partnership with full transparency. When we have agreed on a project or a service delivery our clients typically get access to a project Site on SharePoint where we share all relevant information, activities and it is possible to follow our work as it progresses. Clients working with us are also given access to our general SharePoint Client Hub where we share general Japan market information and other relevant details.

We dont se projects as a final report. We have ongoing dialogue with clients to secure a mutual learning and alignment as the project progresses. Often a weekly or bi-weekly meeting is used to touch base and check progress, but ad hoc communication by mail, Teams, or phone is also common.

Finally, we work with interns from both Denmark and Japan. Often, interns are associated to specific projects and clients, and we encourage continued collaboration between Danish interns and clients when the interns return to Denmark to continue the work they have been involved with while working with us. This Allows further in-housing of Japan specific knowledge at clients to continue their Japan endeavours.